Bakeri Baltzersen Loyalty Scheme

Why join?

We'll give you £5 to spend! 

Once you've joined we'll credit your account with 500 points which is the equivalent to £5 in credit to use in the shop.

Points mean prizes.

Our loyalty scheme is much more than a stamp for a coffee. Collect points on all your purchases in our Bakeri Baltzersen shops.

Celebrate with us.

Mark your birthday and the anniversary of joining our scheme with a slice of something nice each year.

Special Offers

Be on our list to hear about special offers that will save you a few pounds in the pocket or give you exclusive access to loyalty only offers.

Introduce us to your people

Whilst you are very welcome to visit the cafe on your own we’d love you to visit with friends, family and colleagues. If you are willing to introduce them to our loyalty scheme then we’ll give you both a bonus for joining.

Just click on the logo below to visit the joining page